
The mission with this subversive project was to target the people who can have the most dramatic impact on personal well - being: their parents. We feel that parents often don’t fully understand the warning signs, or if they do, they don’t know how to go about it in a way that will properly impact their child. Being such a hard conversation, we wanted to target the parent figures of those struggling and give them guidance in a causal way to help the mental health of the people they care most about. Having these sweatshirts worn by students/kids ages 14 - 25 will give them the opportunity to read them and get ideas on how to start a conversation while not over steeping and making their child feel heard. Having students here at miami as the first people to start this type of movement will allow the staff here who have children be the first people to view how we want to make a difference. We just hope that with the use of subversive form of craftivism, we can impact at least one person or one family.



Right Sleeve



Political Cartoon